New Puppy Shopping List

Getting a new puppy? Here are the supplies that I recommend that you have. Unless I mention otherwise, I don’t necessarily recommend these specific items. I’m just trying to give you a basic idea of what you will need.


36″ Crate with divider. I highly recommend crate training your puppy. Before your puppy comes home, be acquainted with a crate. When they are moved to a larger area at around 4 weeks, there will be a crate that they will be able to check out and explore in their area. At 6-7 weeks they will sleep in crates. So crates will not feel like a scary or isolating thing for these puppies. Crate training makes potty training and keeping your puppy safe and out of mischief much easier! Wire crates or plastic crates are fine. Wire crates often come with dividers so it can grow with your puppy . Plastic crates are great for new puppies, but not as economical for a growing pup!

Crate Pad– Not something you have to have, but some people like to make sure their pup is cozy in their crate. You could easily put an old towel or blanket in the crate. Just make sure your puppy doesn’t start to chew it.

14″ Collar. Your puppy will go home with a basic breakaway collar. It’s important to remember that they the collar will snap off. It is not reliable to put a leash on. Your puppy will be able to get away. You may need to get a small collar and keep upgrading as your puppy grows.

Your puppy will be microchipped but I was also recommend either getting a collar with the puppy’s name and your phone number. Or you could attach an ID tag to any collar.

Dog Leash There are many different fun options for dog leashes. For when your puppy first comes home, I’d recommend having one that is as light weight as possible. This will help them adjust to using a leash. For the first few months, I even use cheap flat leashes they sell at the dollar store. Most dog training programs advise again the retractable leashes.


Dog bowls Be sure to consider the material that your dog bowls are made of. I like the stainless steels ones, but there are some stainless steel ones that are made cheaply that could leech chemicals into your pup’s food and water.

Training Treats – We use a variety of different treats to bond with and train our puppies and dogs. I especially like treats like these that I can break into even smaller pieces. Dogs don’t mind if the treat is small! You can also use food you may already have on hand- string cheese, hotdogs, eggs, cheerios, chicken (or other leftover meat). I find having a variety of treats is helpful for training. Also, be sure to introduce new food to your puppy’s diet slowly.

TLC Puppy Food– Your puppy will go home with a large ziploc baggie of TLC puppy food. You can order more through this website or gradually change to another dog food.

Dog Food Storage Container– You will want something to keep your dog food in to avoid feeding other critters and creepy crawlies!

Dog Food & Water Mat– Not an essential, but nice to help keep things tidy.

Travel Food & Water Bowls – Also not an essential, but handy to have when you are on the go with your pup!

Exercise Pen or Gates – You will want to limit the areas of your house that your puppy can access for potty training purposes (and to make sure they stay out of mischief!). The exercise pens are nice if your house has an open layout. You may even be able to get creative and use things you have around the house to block them off from different areas.

Grooming & Keeping things clean

Nature’s Miracle Stain & Odor Remover– Be sure to have a stain & odor remover for the inevitable puppy messes. Find one that is formulated for cleaning up puppy messes so that the odor from the urine won’t linger and promote the puppy to continue to go potty inside.

Doggy Poop Bags – To clean up those inevitable messes when you’re out and about!

Pooper Scooper– Better to clean your yard regularly than have to clean your shoes!

Dog Shampoo – Even if you are bringing your goldendoodle to the groomer regularly (please do!), you will still have times where you will need to give your pup a bath! I just love how this shampoo smells! If you have allergies, be careful to get a shampoo that you’re not allergic to!

Stainless Steel Comb– There are a variety of grooming tools you will need to keep your goldendoodle’s coat looking nice and prevent matting. A metal comb is an essential!

Grooming Rake – This is another essential grooming tool. There are a lot of different ones to chose from.

Slicker Brush – And another grooming tool. There are many different types to chose from.

Blunt Tipped Scissors – For cutting the fur that grows into your puppies eyes.

Nail Clippers – When your puppy first gets home, you can even use your own nail clippers to clip her nails. But you will need a regular dog nail clipper as she gets older. Be sure to clip her nails often when she’s young to get her used to it!

Styptic Powder – In case you accidentally cut your puppy’s nail too short and it is bleeding. You can also use cornstarch.

Dog Wipes – Not a necessity, but nice to have when you don’t have time to give your dog a bath. I’ve seen these at stores like TJ Maxx.

Dog Toothbrush– Best to start brushing your dog’s teeth when they are young! They make toothpaste flavors that dogs love!

Training and Toys

Puppy Start Right – Start researching puppy rearing and training as soon as you can. I recommend positive reinforcement training for goldendoodles.

Baxter & Bella is an online training program that helps you prepare for your puppy, goes through what to expect the first week and how to get off on the right start with your puppy, how to ensure you socialize your puppy, and all different types of training (both live and recorded training sessions). They also have many different videos, podcast, and more. You even get access to real dog trainers to ask questions and help you work with your dog. I don’t think this should be a substitute for in-person dog training, but it is helpful! Some of their material is free, but if you plan to utilize their membership be sure to use the code “LANDOFGOSHEN” for 25% off.

Treat bag & Clicker – An essential if you plan to train your puppy using positive reinforcement.

Potty Training Bells – This fun trick is taught on Baxter & Bella. I’m sure you can also learn how to teach your dog to ring the bells to go out potty on youtube too.

Kong– So helpful to keep your puppy busy! In the morning when my puppy has extra energy from sleeping all night, I just put some peanut butter or plain yogurt and dog food in it and let my pup go to town while I relax and sip on my tea. You can even freeze food in them to keep your puppy busy even longer!

Hard Chew Toy – There’s always a debate on which hard chew toys are best for your dog/pup, so be sure to do some research and find what you feel most comfortable with. But you will for sure need a hard chew toy for your puppy. If you don’t give your puppy something to chew they will find something to chew on! And as a rule of thumb, if I find a puppy chewing on a hard item (like a leg of a table!) I redirect them to a hard thing to chew on. If they are chewing on a softer item (like my kids’ stuffed animals) I would replace that with a softer dog toy. Chewing is natural and necessary for puppies, so be prepared!

Squeak Toy – A squeak toy is a delight to your puppy. And it will get their attention fast if you want to redirect them or just want them to pay attention to you.

Long Dog Toy – This is a game changer, especially if you have kids! Puppies love these toys & with them being long you will avoid having your pup accidentally nip your fingers while playing! I have bought mine from TJ Maxx (along with many other dog toys and such!).

Balls – Goldendoodles love to fetch! So start them young!

Treat Dispensing Toys – Many different types! And keeps your puppy busy!

Plush dog toys – Having a variety of toys of different textures that make different noises will ensure your pup will stay busy and not chew on other things!

Snuggle Puppy – This sweet toy is especially helpful with helping your puppy to adjust to her new home. The Snuggle Puppy toy with heartbeat has a ‘real-feel’ pulse that calms, appealing to natural instincts by naturally mimicking a mother and litter mates. There are other variations of this toy on the market.

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