
Heidi is our darling. I’ve never met a dog with such a sweet demeanor who is so eager to please and just be by people’s side. She is also the easiest and most laid back dog I’ve met! Even as a puppy, Heidi was a breeze. Having a toy constantly at the ready, she is always eager to play (she even sleeps with toys in her mouth!). And yet she is perfectly content just to sit by our side.
Call Name: Heidi ( Will also answer to Ickle-Heidikins or Heidi-boo)
Breed: English Cream Goldendoodle (75% English Retriever 25% Poodle)
Height: 17”
Weight: 25lbs
Coat: Wavy, cream, non-shedding (carries f/f (two furnishing genes- optimal for producing non-shedding puppies)
Personality: Happy, devoted, loves everyone she meets
Favorite Activity: Hiking, playing with toys, fetch, being loved on
Loves: All toys and balls
Birthday: July 20th
Health Clearances: vWD type I clear, prcd-PRA clear, GR1 & 2 PRA clear, GM2 Gangliosidosis clear, Osteochondrodysplasia clear, NeWS clear (Here’s Heidi’s OFA results)

Ember is stunning from the inside out! Being 50% English golden retriever and 50% Flat Coat retriever, she is pure black with all the gorgeous features of a golden retriever. Her beauty takes people aback and they often inquire what breed of dog she is, because she is that unique! Not only does she look beautiful, but she has the sweetest, playful & yet calm demeanor. She’s a dog that simply has the best combination of traits as English goldens are known for their calm demeanors & flat coats are known for their happy-go-lucky & forever young personalities.
Ember is always eager to go for a hike and adores meeting new people and dogs. She never knows a stranger as she immediately rolls over and demands a belly rub when she meets new friends! She takes her job of fetching our morning paper very seriously & will have to carry a stick if there is no paper. Ember loves cuddling with her family and her fur sister Heidi.
Call Name: Ember ( Will also answer to Em-O)
Breed: 50% English Cream Retriever & 50% Flat Coat Retriever
Height: 21”
Weight: 60lbs
Coat: Pure black that resembles a golden retriever’s coat
Personality: Happy-go-lucky, always with her people, loves meeting new people and dogs.
Favorite Activity: Belly rubs, fetching the paper, finding a good stick, car rides cuddling with her people
Loves: Fetching, sticks, people, mealtimes
Birthday: June 11
Health Clearances: normal OFA cardiac screen, OFA good hips, OFA normal elbows, OFA normal patellar (Ember’s OFA Results)
Contact us: landofgoshendoodles@gmail.com